Medical examination

Doctoral students receiving education at the CUT Doctoral School are required to submit a currently valid doctor’s certificate issued by a specialist in occupational medicine.

Under the contract Cracow University of Technology has signed with the medical centre below,
medical examinations for doctoral students of the CUT Doctoral School are conducted  free of charge.

Małopolski Ośrodek Medycyny Pracy

st. Zygmunta Augusta 1 in Cracow
(in the period between 01.04.2022 and 31.03.2023)
Registration: Monday – Friday 7.00 – 15.05
In person or by phone:
12 424 20 13
12 424 20 20
12 424 20 22

Referrals, upon prior request, will be issued by the CUT DS Office,
open Monday – Thursday, opening hours 9:00 – 13:00.

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