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Discipline description
The academic activities in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering, awarded the academic category A, encompass the research and practical applications related to the design, manufacture, control and operation of machines and appliances. The main areas of research conducted within the scope of the discipline are: developing the theoretical and experimental methods of mechanical structures analysis and their optimization in variable environmental conditions, as well as developing sustainable design methods. In particular, research and practical applications focus on: the examination, diagnostics and assessment of the reliability of environmentally friendly road and rail vehicles, application of mechanics in medicine, including the use of reconstruction engineering, developing production engineering and automation, developing precise methods of coordinate measurements from nano- to macro-dimensions, theoretical and experimental analysis of flow-through machines and appliances, measuring and analysis of mechanical systems oscillations, research into the area of material failure and structure fatigue, measuring and analysis of mechanical oscillations, examination of materials in extremely low temperatures (reaching the values close to 4 K).
A particular focus has been placed in the recent years on the research into coordinate metrology using the measurement infrastructure including the cutting-edge coordinate machines, constructing and controlling swarms of autonomic underwater robots, using hydrogen as the fuel of the future, as well as the design and manufacture of implants and prostheses for cranioplasty and herniology.
The scientific research is based on cooperation with numerous business enterprises (commercialisation of research and development results) and it has a significant and discernible impact on the functioning of the economy and society, particularly in the areas of healthcare, national security and environment protection.
If you choose to study the discipline of Mechanical Engineering, you will be guided by professors and doctors with impressive academic accomplishments, and the access to fully equipped research laboratories will allow you to work on your doctor’s degree in a currently growing research area.
Who may apply?
The person eligible to apply for admission to the CUT Doctoral School in the scientific discipline of mechanical engineering must have the professional title of Master or Master in Engineering in a technical study programme or a professional title in one of the following study programmes: mathematics, physics or computer science. In special cases, particularly justified by the candidates’ merit, with the consent of the Head of the Scientific Council, graduates of Master’s Degree programmes which do not satisfy the above requirements may also be admitted to the recruitment process.