Procedure for completing education

  1. A doctoral student who has completed classes in accordance with the curriculum at the Doctoral School of the Cracow University of Technology (SD PK), submits an application for the initiation of the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree to the chairman of the scientific board of the faculty competent for the discipline in which the doctoral degree will be awarded, in accordance with the applicable Resolution of the Senate of the Cracow University of Technology regarding the mode of operation and the procedure for awarding the degree of doctor and habilitated doctor. The application should include completed, unsigned certificate of submitting the dissertation (Form K1).
  2. If the doctoral dissertation is a written work, the supervisor checks it using the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System (JSA)  within 30 days from the moment of submitting the application. The report from the JSA, signed by the supervisor, is attached to the documentation of the procedure.
  3. After submitting the application referred to in section 1, the candidate receives a certificate of submitting a doctoral dissertation signed by the chairman of the scientific board of the faculty competent for the discipline or a representative of the discipline (Form K1).
  4. The candidate provides a signed certificate to the Doctoral School, on the basis of which the Director of the CUT DS issues a certificate of completion of education at the Doctoral School (Form K2).
  5. To collect the K2 form, a doctoral student is obliged to submit an annual report on scientific activities (with a complete set of signatures, including the representative of the discipline).
  6. The candidate provides the certificate (Form K2) signed by the Director of the CUT DS to the chairman of the scientific board of the faculty competent for the discipline, in order to supplement the application for initiating the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree.
  7. From the moment of issuing the certificate (Form K2), all formalities related to the procedure for granting the doctoral degree are carried out by the scientific board of the faculty, competent for the discipline.
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