Doktorantka SD PK wśród laureatów programu „Talenty Jutra”
Rozstrzygnięto drugą edycję programu grantowego „Talenty Jutra”. Wśród laureatów jest doktorantka Szkoły Doktorskiej PK (w dyscyplinie inżynieria chemiczna) – Gabriela Hodacka. Talenty Jutra to program…
Recruitment to PK Doctoral School 2023/2024 – admission lists
Recruitment to the PK Doctoral School has started
From August 23 to September 4, electronic registration for the CUT Doctoral School for the academic year 2023/24 begins. A detailed recruitment schedule can be…
More information here.
Announcement No. 1/2023 of the Director of the Doctoral School of the Cracow University of Technology of 17 April 2023
On the mode of action and procedure for completing education at the Doctoral School of the Cracow University of Technology.
Workshop on Classical and Quantum Technologies
We cordially invite all researchers of doctoral students, interested persons, to participate in person or in interactive communication at the scientific conference entitled: Workshop on Classical…
The recruitment process to the CUT Doctoral School
The recruitment process to the CUT Doctoral School for candidates, who have obtained their second-cycle study programme qualification outside Poland. 7th March – 31st May 2023
Information and Advisory Point invites you to an open house
More information at the link.
Update of the timetable sem. 1
Update (Nov 3, 2022): timetable for foreigners (classes in English) academy year 2022/23 sem. 1.