Information and Communication Technology

dr hab. inż.

Michał Bereta, prof. PK


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Discipline description

The discipline of information and telecommunication technology focuses on implementing and developing the latest information and telecommunication technologies. The cutting-edge character of technologies is the foundation of this discipline as it enables the development of innovative solutions, such as artificial intelligence or virtual reality technologies. Courses, such as machine learning, explainable artificial intelligence, quantum information science, theory of complex systems, high-efficiency computations, human-computer communication and data analysis, allow students to expand their knowledge in key areas for the development of modern technologies. It’s a good idea to study the discipline of information and telecommunication technology because it opens the door to active participation in digital transformation and the creation of innovative solutions, which makes this discipline extremely attractive for future specialists in the technological industry.  

Who may apply?

We welcome all graduates of Master’s Degree programmes from technical universities or university Master’s Degree study programmes in one of the following: mathematics, physics or computer and information sciences, graduates of the 1st cycle study programmes who are laureates of the “Pearls of Science” programme (in spite of not having completed the 2nd cycle study programme), as well as graduates of other Master’s Degree study programmes on the condition that they have an impressive body of academic work in the discipline of information and communication technology. 

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