Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transport 

dr hab. inż.

Agnieszka Leśniak, prof. PK


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Discipline description

The scientific discipline of civil engineering, geodesy and transportation is a broad discipline in the field of engineering and technical sciences encompassing a wide range of scientific problems related to land and water construction, surveying and transportation of humans and cargo. For strategic, economic and social reasons, these problems make up one of the most dynamically growing scientific discipline creating new and ambitious challenges for researchers and enabling implementation of scientific research results into practice. The main research areas of construction encompass building modelling and analysis, problems of the latest solutions related to materials in construction, energy-efficient construction, using information technologies in construction, ground and soil research, design, execution and maintenance of transport infrastructure, model research into wind engineering, modelling and assessment of risk in construction projects. The most important scientific areas in geodesy are related to obtaining and analysis of information on terrain configuration, transformation of spatial structures taking into account the spatial and environmental order, as well as ensuring safe operation and use of buildings and engineering structures. The research problems in transportation include efficiency analyses of transport solutions, developing and perfecting procedures for creating plans of sustainable mobility, developing methods for planning mass passenger transportation, efficiency analyses of modern individual passenger transportation forms, models for predicting journeys and mobility of persons and transportation of cargo.      

Studying CEG&T at CUT DS will give you access to cutting-edge technologies and methods and to modern laboratory infrastructure. It will also allow you to participate in and conduct research with the use of the latest technology in civil engineering, particularly in construction, geodesy and transportation systems. 

Who may apply?

Since the academic year 2023/24, the person eligible to apply for admission to the CUT Doctoral School in the scientific discipline of civil engineering, geodesy and transportation must be a graduate of a Master’s Degree programme offered by a universities of technology. In special cases, particularly justified by the candidates’ merit, with the consent of the Head of the Scientific Council, graduates of Master’s Degree programmes from non-technical universities may also be admitted to the recruitment process.  

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