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Apply for the PhD course “Strategic Career Planning in PhD Education via Work-Integrated Learning –
According to the recruitment schedule, the individuals admitted to the CUT Doctoral School are required
The ranking lists of candidates for the Doctoral School at Cracow University of Technology for
Detailed exam and interview schedules have been published on our recruitment page.
We would like to inform you that for the Candidates for the Doctoral School in
Dnia 26.08.2024 r. ruszyła rekrutacja do Szkoły Doktorskiej Politechniki Krakowskiej dla kandydatów rekrutacji standardowej oraz
English language interviews for candidates for the PK Doctoral School will be held on 28.08.2024.
The Doctoral School of Cracow University of Technology has the honour to announce the launch
We invite candidates for the first year of studies at the Doctoral School of Cracow
Dear Doctoral Students, 27 and 28 February will be the first online practical workshops for