InterDoctus Programme

The Doctoral School of Cracow University of Technology has the honour to announce the launch of the internal programme CUT DS InterDoctus aimed at promoting international cooperation and mobility of doctoral students.

CUT DS InterDoctus has been created to support doctoral students in developing their international experiences and skills. The programme offers a range of financial support opportunities, including:

  • Increased international mobility: Doctoral students will be eligible to apply for funding for study visits and internships abroad.
  • Support for participation in conferences and events: The programme provides funds for participation and organization of conferences, summer and winter schools, and other scientific events involving doctoral students.
  • Funding for lectures and seminars with foreign scientists: CUT DS InterDoctus supports organization of lectures, seminars, and workshops conducted by renowned scientists from foreign institutions.
  • Motivational support for implementation of scientific projects: Doctoral students may receive financial support for obtaining international projects or participating in international research teams.
  • Developing cooperation with foreign institutions: The programme supports developing cooperation with foreign institutions educating doctoral students through international educational programmes and sharing teaching materials.

CUT DS InterDoctus provides a unique opportunity for doctoral students of Cracow University of Technology to broaden their scientific horizons and build strong international relations. We invite you to actively participate in the Programme!

The rules of the CUT DS InterDoctus Programme and the application form, effective as of 20.06.2024, available for download on the website of the Doctoral School of Cracow University of Technology.

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