English language interviews for candidates for the Doctoral School

English language interviews for candidates for the PK Doctoral School will be held on 28.08.2024. The interviews will be conducted in a stationary form in the premises of the PK Foreign Language Department.

Enrolment takes place by linking to the form: https://forms.office.com/e/mmvmh5bcVn , or by submitting an application to SJO o-3@pk.edu.pl (please include your name, telephone, album number)

until Monday 26.08.2024

A positive outcome of the interview entitles you to study at the PK Doctoral School, which will be confirmed by a suitable certificate. NOTE: This is not a certificate exam.

Interviews are not valid for candidates who have documents confirming their knowledge of English at the level of at least B2 in the form of:

  1. a certificate;
  2. a diploma of graduation from a second-cycle study programme or from a single master’s programme in the case of persons who commenced their studies in 2007 or later, and where the required level of English was specified in the diploma supplement;
  3. confirmation that English is the mother tongue or has been the language of instruction at tertiary level;